What really causes a hangover ?

It may come as a surprise to some but it's not as simple as you are dehydrated and thats why you feel hangover. We have all had that experience , you had a great night out with friends made amazing memories. But the morning after leaves your head and body feeling like you have been hit by a thousand trucks. You should have just drunk more water is the common remedy that is prescribed and while water is important. Lack of water isn't what caused your hangover .
A lot of really smart people have dedicated there lives to trying to find out what is going on and what is really causing the dreaded hangover .
researchers know the hangover state is a multifactorial event caused by a variety of biochemical and neurochemical changes, as well as your personal make-up.- , TED.com
So what are some of their findings, this is where things get "sciency" (not an actual term).
- Acetaldehyde Buildup
When you drink alcohol , your body metabolizes it with an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) into acetaldehyde which is harmful to the body. It later breaks down acetaldehyde into acetate, then finally into carbon dioxide and water. The process of breaking down acetaldehyde into acetate varies in different people but this process causes the unpleasant feelings we know to well as symptoms of hungovers such as feeling flushed, nauseated, rapid heartbeat ,headache
- GABAa Rebound (or short-term alcohol withdrawal)
There is an imbalance in the force. GABAa rebound occurs when Alcohol binds to GABAa receptors in your brain. This increases GABAa-like activity, making you feel relaxed. When you stop drinking, your GABAa receptors go into withdrawal, causing you to feel effects like “hangxiety”, headaches, and nausea.
- Dehydration
The simplest and most familiar explanation is that hangovers are the result of alcohol-induced dehydration. As alcohol is consumed, it enters the bloodstream and causes the brain to shut off the creation of vasopressin (an antidiuretic). Despite lengthy attempts to avoid breaking the seal, the diuretic effect of excessive alcohol will increase urine production and leave you dehydrated. Waking up after a long night of overindulgence, your body sends a desperate message to replenish its water supply — likely manifesting in the form of an extremely dry mouth. A pounding headache, fatigue, and nausea are also common symptoms of dehydration that come as a result of low potassium, sodium, and other vital electrolytes.
Some of these ideas we drew inspiration for this article from LIAM MOONEY's article, THE SCIENCE BEHIND HANGOVERS.