What is the best cure for a hangover in 2022?

The most frequent symptom is a hangover, which includes fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst, and sensitivity to light and sound.
While there are a plethora of rumoured hangover remedies, from downing a glass of pickle juice to rubbing a lemon in your armpit before drinking, few of them are scientifically proven. This article examines five simple, scientifically proven methods for overcoming a hangover.
1. Start your day with a healthy breakfast.
One of the most well-known hangover cures is to have a healthy breakfast.
One explanation is that eating a healthy breakfast might help keep your blood sugar levels in check.
Although low blood sugar isn't always the cause of a hangover, it is frequently linked to it.
Some hangover symptoms, including as nausea, tiredness, and weakness, may be caused by low blood sugar.
In fact, some studies suggest that maintaining a healthy blood sugar level might help to minimise some of the negative effects of alcohol use, such as the accumulation of acid in the blood.
A healthy breakfast can help regulate blood sugar levels, offer essential vitamins and minerals, and alleviate hangover symptoms.2. Get enough sleep
For some people, alcohol can induce sleep disruptions and may be linked to reduced sleep quality and duration.
While low to moderate amounts of alcohol may help you sleep at first, research suggest that greater doses and long-term usage might alter your sleep habits.
While a lack of sleep does not cause a hangover, it can make your hangover worse.
A lack of sleep can worsen hangover symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, and irritability.
A good night's sleep and giving your body time to recuperate may help lessen symptoms and make a hangover more manageable.
Drinking too much alcohol might disrupt sleep. Hangover symptoms such as tiredness, irritability, and headaches may be linked to lack of sleep.
3. Plenty of water
Alcohol use can cause dehydration in a variety of ways.
For starters, alcohol is a diuretic. This implies that it causes an increase in urine output, resulting in a loss of fluids and electrolytes required for normal functioning (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source).
Second, drinking too much alcohol can trigger vomiting, which can result in even more fluid and electrolyte loss.
Although dehydration is not the only cause of a hangover, it does play a role in several of the symptoms, including increased thirst, tiredness, headaches, and dizziness.
Increasing your water consumption might help you avoid getting a hangover by alleviating some of the symptoms.
A decent rule of thumb while drinking alcohol is to alternate between a glass of water and a drink. Although this will not definitely prevent dehydration, it will assist you in limiting your alcohol consumption.
To avoid hangover symptoms, remain hydrated throughout the day by drinking water anytime you feel thirsty.
4. Have another drink the next morning
Many people swear by this popular hangover cure, often known as "hair of the dog."
Though it's mostly based on urban myths, there is some evidence that drinking the next morning can help with hangover symptoms.
This is because alcohol alters the way the body processes methanol, a molecule found in tiny levels in alcoholic beverages.
Methanol is turned to form aldehyde after you consume alcohol, which is a harmful chemical that can induce hangover symptoms.
When you have a hangover, however, consuming alcohol can halt this conversion and prevent the production of aldehyde entirely. Methanol, rather than producing aldehyde, is safely eliminated from the body.
However, as this approach can result in the alcohol addiction and it is not advised as a hangover cure.
Drinking alcohol can prevent methanol from being converted to form aldehyde, which may help to alleviate certain hangover symptoms.
5. Avoid dark drinks
Sugars are transformed to carbon dioxide and ethanol (known as alcohol) during the fermentation process.
Congeners are hazardous chemical by-products produced in tiny amounts during this process, with various alcoholic drinks containing variable amounts.
According to several research, ingesting beverages rich in congeners might increase the frequency and severity of a hangover. Congeners can also delay the metabolism of alcohol, causing effects to last longer.
Vodka, gin, and rum are examples of low-congener drinks, with vodka having practically no congeners at all.
Tequila, whiskey, and cognac, on the other hand, are all rich in congeners, with bourbon whiskey having the most.
95 young individuals were given enough vodka or bourbon to attain a breath alcohol content of 0.11 percent in one research. It was discovered that high-congener bourbon caused worse hangovers than low-congener vodka.
The next day, drinking whiskey caused hangover symptoms such as bad breath, dizziness, headache, and nausea, but drinking vodka did not.
Drinks with less congeners may assist to minimise the frequency and severity of hangovers.
Drinks like vodka, gin, and rum, which are light in colour, may help to reduce the intensity and frequency of hangovers.The bottom line
While there are many well-known hangover cures out there, few are actually backed by science. Upswing® with our clinical proven formula will always be here to prevent your anxiety for hangovers. We are here to protect your productive morning 24/7.