What hangover does to the body in 2022?

Hangovers are tough. People drink a lot to avoid stress. Alcohol users may remember their last positive memories with alcohol, and this may also motivate them. Nowadays people also drink for fun and to entertain themselves. Drinking alcohol in many families is a pervasive thing. Some also drink alcohol to become rebels. This is often seen especially in youngsters. Alcohol is being used for exceptional situations like parties and weddings. After all this, we have a question in mind what hangover does to the body? Will it be safe to drink?1
A hangover is a symptom that leads to drinking too much alcohol. Symptoms of a hangover are weakness, fatigue, thirst, stomach pain, nausea, vertigo, sensitivity to light and sound. A hangover can be distant from person to person. Hangover symptoms peak resolves when the concentration of alcohol in the body goes to zero. Symptoms can last about 24 hours or longer (depending upon several factors like how much you drink, sex and your body size). Depending on the severity of symptoms, you could be low in your energy for two to three days.
Trouble focusing:
A 2018 study associated with alcohol hangovers shows that a person may feel difficulty paying attention and remembering things, making it difficult to perform regular activities efficiently on the next day. As a result, you may feel sluggish the whole day.3,4
Alcohol is not only toxic but also a diuretic to our bodies. Which means it makes you feel frequent urination. It draws all of the water out from our bodies. It can also lead to several other types of problems in our body, including headaches, nausea, vomiting, dry mouth. You also feel a little swollen in some regions of your body, like fingers and face.
Abdominal Side-effects:
Hangovers also affect the digastric mechanism. For example, alcohol directly affects the stomach lining, and in this case release of acid is increased. This can cause acidity, nausea and discomfort in sleep.
Alcohol effects on the liver:
Alcohol is mainly metabolized by the liver, developing a solution of acetaldehyde, a harmful, short stayed product, which participates in inflammation in the liver, brain, pancreas, GIT, and other body organs.
Hangovers dangerous or painfully:
Hangovers can be both dangerous and painful. During a hangover person's attention, muscle coordination can be distorted. Also, the potential to perform practical tasks such as driving, participating in your job, and attending to others can adversely affect you.
Myths and facts to get out of a hangover:
Specific actions such as taking a shower or drinking coffee can prevent hangovers. Still, there is no such thing that cures hangovers. The only path to avoid a hangover is to take alcohol in a minimum amount.
Remedies for a hangover:
Many remedies for relieving hangovers are described on social media, but none have been scientifically confirmed. There is no magic potion for whipping hangovers. Only time can cure it. A person must wait for the body to release toxic byproducts from the body. It is essential to note that alcohol is harmful to the liver, and its enzymes can be detrimental.
To help calm their hangovers, some people use sports drinks that are rich in electrolytes. Unfortunately, in this case, electrolyte imbalance occurs, and urination increases. Thus, leading to maximal removal of metabolized alcohol out of the body. In most people, the body will revive electrolyte gimballing once the impact of alcohol subsides.
So, the answer to the question "what hangover does to the body?". Alcohol above the maximum amount of drinking capacity is toxic. It leads to deadly hangovers, plus it also damages our body in many diseases related to Alcohol. So ultimately, the only solution to a hangover is to avoid alcohol or drinking in moderation.5
- 9 Reasons Why People Drink - Alcohol and You Northern IrelandAlcohol and You Northern Ireland. https://www.alcoholandyouni.com/9-reasons-people-drink/.
- Young man in sleepwear suffering from headache in morning · Free Stock Photo. https://www.pexels.com/photo/young-man-in-sleepwear-suffering-from-headache-in-morning-3771115/.
- Ashton, K., Bellis, M. A., Davies, A. R., Hughes, K. & Winstock, A. Do emotions related to alcohol consumption differ by alcohol type? An international cross-sectional survey of emotions associated with alcohol consumption and influence on drink choice in different settings. BMJ Open 7, (2017).
- Hangovers | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/brochures-and-fact-sheets/hangovers.
- The science behind hangovers — and what to do when you get one |. https://ideas.ted.com/the-science-behind-hangovers-and-what-to-do-when-you-get-one-david-nutt/.