Hangover not ending: when to see a Doctor?

Having stressed and bound to chores a whole week makes you exhausted; to get out of it, one needs an escape plan on holidays. Well, considering holidays you might need some refreshments with friends and friends are the mood makers for a drinking party.
As for drinking, it is way easier to get out of routine issues, but on the other hand, there is much more harm to our bodies. Many of us have a question in mind about what Alcohol will do to our bodies? Should I drink or not? Is a hangover going to kill me? What is a hangover and when to see a doctor? Let's look at what a hangover is and then discuss when we have to consult a doctor?
Many people get afraid of hangover much of them take it on a lighter note. A Hangover is the collection of symptoms a person faces after Alcohol drinking1. These are the after-effects of alcohol drinking. The unpleasant signs and symptoms may stay for a shorter time, depending on the quantity you might drink, making you uncomfortable to perform well in your work atmosphere.
Symptoms of a hangover:
The earliest and most typical signs of a hangover include:
- Severe headache.
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Poor sleep
- Feeling of nausea or vomiting.
- Anxiety.
- Excessive urination.
- Incapable of holding body balance
Is hangover be deadly?
Hangovers may be uncomfortable as well as harmful. A person's attentiveness, decision-making, and muscle coordination can all be affected by a hangover. According to WHO, 3 million deaths happen due to Alcohol intoxication.
Hangover: When to see a doctor?
A person who is drinking for the first time and who drinks once a week will feel a shorter span of a hangover until the Alcohol concentration in blood turns zero, and he will be normal afterwards. On the other hand, a heavy drinker might have a complicated hangover and needs a doctor. It means the misused quantity or excessive intake of Drinking Alcohol more than its drinking range will turn into Alcohol poisoning. Here are some of the conditions which make you involve your doctor to consult:
- Irregularly gaped or Low breath rate (below ten breaths per minute)
- Confusion.
- Unconscious with lacking normal reflexes to skin pinch.
- A high/low pulse rate (below 60 or above 100 bpm)
- Low body temperature or having a cold body.
- Change of skin colour (blue).
- Uncontrolled or bloody vomit.
- Seizures or tremors
- Excessive sweating
It is also essential to notice if the signs and symptoms stay for an extended period, for example, if it persists for 2 to 3 days. Then, there is an increased risk of seizures/fits, and they can be deadly. They will be life-threatening and need a doctor to consult. If it goes untreated may lead to the death of the Alcohol intoxicated person.
- Suppose a person is complaining about yellow discolouration of his skin after having frequent bouts of a hangover. In that case, his liver is not performing well, and lack of attention to this situation might take him to liver impairment.
- Suppose a subject having a hangover situation is facing pain in the left arm and jaw muscles. In that case, that means he might be having cardiac origin pain; he needs immediate medical concern.
- If a person facing abdominal issues that are deadly, it represents either the usual stomach lining is discontinued or ruptured or the normal flora of the intestine got damaged. Therefore, there is a need for a doctor to consult.3
The hangover of a known chronically ill person:
A known diseased person (sick chronically), including any heart, liver or brain disease, when drinks should be brought to the physician whether he is presenting the symptoms or not.4,5
- Alcohol. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/alcohol.
- Free stock photo of adult, afro, afterparty. https://www.pexels.com/photo/fashion-people-woman-relaxation-8212116/.
- Belizário, J. E. & Napolitano, M. Human microbiomes and their roles in dysbiosis, common diseases, and novel therapeutic approaches. Frontiers in Microbiology 6, (2015).
- Trevejo-Nunez, G., Kolls, J. K. & de Wit, M. Alcohol Use As a Risk Factor in Infections and Healing: A Clinician’s Perspective. Alcohol Research : Current Reviews 37, 177 (2015).
- 10 health risks of chronic heavy drinking: Liver disease, pancreatitis, cancer. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/297734.